Feb 28, 2013

Blog Updates, 8-Month Challenge, and Spam Comments

  Hi there! :]

  I'm having a lot of fun experimenting with my blog. I changed my background, fonts, and layout a little bit, along with kind-of editing the website description. What do you think? I think it looks cool, you know, the Parthenon and all. But then again, I am a little biased, considering I designed it. ;)

  Oh, and I'm failing at the 8-Month Challenge. xD I got a late start on The Lightning Thief, but it's the last day of February and I'm not finished! D: I'll have to work on that.. I might have to cheat a bit.. >.> <.< >.> But shhhh!

  Oh, and I have this ongoing problem.. SPAM COMMENTS. It's so annoying! I have to delete them all and there are definitely a LOT. Does anyone know how to get rid of them? >_<

  Uh, yeah, that's it. Have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. If you put comment moderation on, you won't get spam (because you have to accept them). However, you probably don't want to do that. You could put on "show word verification" That'd stop most spam. Or, you could take off the "alow anonymous" comments as that would get rid of spam too. Personally, though, I just ignore them (don't delete-don't read)


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